Monday, July 13, 2009

Holy spirit come, please come

You are the promised gift to us,
the counselor, the teacher in His ways

Biology paper today was crappy! It wasn't one of those papers where I'd go, "phew!" when it's over. This paper was more like a, "ohhhhhh craaaappp."

But math was fine! I could do like most of the questions except for the few really tough ones. Like coordinate geometry (yuck!) and the construction of weird figures.

I'm pretty satisfied and I must say, impressed, at how far I've come. Considering I never even knew what a 'perfect square number' was, or the 'lowest common multiple/highest common factor'.

Now I know all of them! YAY!

Before the start of the papers, I literally laid hands on the paper to pray. Haha, it might seem as being 'desperate' or 'dumb' to you but it indeed helped!

My God is big! So strong, so mighty!

"Nothing on this earth happens without God's permission."

My heart and my soul,
I give you control
Consume me from the inside out, Lord

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